A cross site scripting attack works in the following manner:

* The attacker identifies a web site that has one or more XSS bugs for example, a web site that echoes the contents of a querystring.
* The attacker crafts a special URL that includes a malformed and malicious querystring containing HTML and scripts such as JavaScript.
* The attacker finds a victim and gets the victim to click on a link that includes the malformed querystring. This could simply be a link to another web page, or a link in an HTML e-mail.
* Once the victim clicks the link, the victim’s browser makes a GET request to the vulnerable server, bypassing the malicious querystring.
* The vulnerable server echoes the malicious querystring back to the victim’s browser, and the browser executes the JavaScript embedded in the response.

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Basic MS-DOS commands

ADDUSERS – Add or list users to/from a CSV file ARP Address – Resolution Protocol ASSOC – Change file extension associations ASSOCIAT – One step file association AT – Schedule

Security Alert to BamarTalk.com (Web Vulnerability)

Hi, BamarTalk.com’s Webmaster This is PlanetCreator’s Security Te@am & Hackers Group, PlanetCreator has reported Critical SQL Injection vulnerability on Bamar Talk International Calling Cards – Cheap Call to Myanmar’s Website.

CRLF Injection

CRLF Injection Overview CRLF Injection is typically used in HTTP Response Splitting. In the HTTP specification there is a spec stating that the HTTP header is to be split from