Ok guys welcome to new product from Devilzc0de, this time we dedicate this all in one sql injection tool for you.So.. what is devilzc0desql? this is a very sophisticated sql injection tool for mysql injection, mssql injection and ms access (jet oledb) sql injection.If you don’t have php, perl and python you need to install them in order to run this tool properly. Then you must set php,perl and python to run globally from your command prompt or shell.Ok I suppose you have installed them on your machine. To run this, open your terminal or ms dos prompt then cd to devilzc0desql directory. (on unix or linux u may extract using : tar zxvf devilzc0desql.tgz).
Then just type :python devilzc0desql.py and perl

More : http://www.planetcreator.net/downloads/2010/05/10/devilzc0de-sql-injection-tool-mysqlmssql/

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