This July 17th marks the eleventh anniversary of the famous internet crash. How did the internet crash; the network which was designed to withstand all sorts of catastrophe; even the nuclear warhead crashed?

Internet was designed to be decentralized self governance network using its vast network of machines and root servers. No one controls the system and no one decides where to start looking for a particular domain name. All the IP address to readable domain name information was stored in root servers situated around the globe. Each root server keep the replica of the latest mapping information and serves as needed.

One single human error triggered from the network solutions Inc brought the whole internet to its heels during an early July 17th morning. Database corruption occurred at the network solutions server was ignored by one of its employee causing the corrupted database to get updated in other root servers situated around the world. As a result even though all servers were up and running and none of the domain names were resolved. No one could reach the websites intended.

Soon the backup of the database was restored bring back the system alive after much chaos.

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