Law enforcement at European Union is working on ethical hacking proposal that will allow them to remotely access and monitor any PC without warrant. This is adopted after a decision by the European Union’s council of ministers in Brussels. The move will allow MI5 officers, French, German and other EU forces to ask British officers to hack into someone’s computer in your home, hotel or your business without any warrant. Authorities could break into PCs and install key loggers, malware or some sort of spyware to trap all the communications.

An amendment to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 made ethical hacking legal and is possible since 1994, but such intrusive surveillance was closely regulated under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.

Opposition MPs and civil liberties groups have raised concerns over the move.

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BackTrack 5 R3 Release – Aug 13th, 2012

The BackTrack Development team will be releasing an R3 revision of our Penetration Testing distribution in 2 weeks. This release focuses on bugfixes and over 50 new tool additions –

SQL Commandos (usefull for injections)

Here is a list of SQL commands and what they do, these would be used in some injection methods and of course legitimate sql functions. On thier own they wont

Critical SQL Injection in Gulf Travels and Tours

PlanetCreator has reported another critical SQL Injection (vulnerability) on Gulf Tranvels and Tours : Your reliable agency in Myanmar powered by IndexMyanmar This vulnerability has been alerted to :-